Historical Investors Collectors Instrument has become available for purchase by interested investors.

This Instrument was used by the renowned geophysicist, Oscar Weiss.

This instrument was used to discover gold in the Free State Gold fields in 1933, one of the richest goldfields in the world at the time.

This is an unique gravity measuring instrument which was used in the 1930’s, long before our modern electronic GPS’s of today.

This instrument was widely used in reconnaissance and detailed gravimetric work in the United States between 1922 and 1940.

At the peaks of its popularity, not less than 125 instruments were engaged in exploration for oil each year. 

Credit is given to the torsion balance for the discovery in the Gulf Coast of 79 oil fields and salt domes . 

The addition in oil reserves which should be credited entirely to the torsion balance amounts to 1,027,500,000 barrels. 

The pendulum and gravimeter should be given credit in the same area for the discovery of 108,000,000 barrels of oil during that same period.